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5 Common Animal Disease, Test, Cause, Symptoms, Treatment

Apr. 26, 2021

5 Common Animal Disease, Test, Cause, Symptoms, Treatment

5 Common Animal Disease, Test, Cause, Symptoms, Treatment


  • Animal Diseases

  • Aflatoxicosis

  • Avian Influenza

  • Brucellosis

  • Foot and Mouth Disease

  • Rabies

  • Helpful links

  • References

Animal Diseases                                                                                                                                           

It is important that we are aware in animal disease so that, we can use appropriate diagnosis,test and prevention. Numerous infections can be exchanged from creature to human through contact with skin, fleece, hair, blood, spit, defecation, urine and fetal items. Factors to be consider are: cause / symptoms, treatment  of animal disease test.

1. Aflatoxicosis

It is an illness that can cause by aflatoxins. These are toxins produced by molds. The animals that are commonly affected are pigs, turkeys, horses, cattle, ducklings. Aflatoxin or AFs is hydroxylated secondary metabolites of Aflatoxin B1, produced by aspergillus. Molds (fungi) contain mcotoxins, which can cause mycotosis (death and disease) in humans and animals. It is quantitative enzyme immunoassay ELISA (EIA) tes kit. This EIA kit is a test that can be tested on the farm or industry without the need for a laboratory and easy to use. it is important to keep an eye on AFM1 residue in foods like milk and other dairy products. This metabolite can also be found in foods like cereals, nuts, seeds that causing severe health problems. There are test kits to detect aflatoxin to help us identify this illness.

Causes / Symptoms :  vomiting, abdominal pain, blindness, death, nausea, walking in circles, frothing at the mouth.

Animal Disease Test :   

Treatment :  The treatment will be determined by a veterinarian's evaluation of each case. Since there is no cure for aflatoxins, the goal of treatment is to eliminate the source of aflatoxins to avoid more exposure. It's preferable to concentrate on symptomatic and compassionate care.

2. Avian influenza

Avian influenza or bird flu or H5N1 is most well known in north Ireland. It is highly contagious. It is a diseased that caused by strains of influenza virus. It affects animals like birds, chickens, turkeys and poultry. To transmit the illness and become infected, it typically takes very close contact between the individual and infected birds. The World Health Organization’s (WHO) website has the most recent updates regarding influenza  and other disease phenomena.

 Causes / Symptoms :  a high rate of death, coughing, sneezing, breathing problems, legs and combs has purple discoloration, reduction in egg production, diarrhea with a lot of fluids.

Animal Disease Test :   

Treatment :   It is essential to get medication and supportive care.  In commercial outbreaks of bird flu, veterinarians and poultry staff are normally the ones to handle it. Patients with serious complications may be handled by infectious-disease specialists, critical-care specialists, hospitalists, and pulmonologists in unusual human outbreaks. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) currently recommend antiviral drugs oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza).


3. Brucellosis

Brucellosis is a bacterial infection caused by the Brucella bacteria. This bacteria mostly seen in cow others are in pigs, cattle, horses, dogs, camels. It can transmit from animals to people. The bacteria can be transmitted breathing, ingestion and contact with an open wound.

Causes / Symptoms :  fatigue, fever, joint pain, headache, weight loss.

Animal Disease Test :   

Treatment :  The antibiotics doxycycline and rifampin are recomended. At least six weeks of taking medication is advisable.

4. Foot-and-mouth Disease

Foot-and-mouth Disease or (FMD) is a highly infectious viral disease that affects both domestic and wild animals with cloven hooves. The gold standard measures for diagnosing FMD are virus isolation and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).  Assays based on viral nucleic acid amplification have been established because these methods are time consuming. It affects animals like cattle, pigs, sheep, deer, goats, buffalo and elephants. The bacteria or virus can be transmitted thru mucus, saliva, poop and fluid from blisters or scabs, close contact, coughing and sneezing, touching surfaces with virus. Fever and blister-like sores on the tongue and lips, in the mouth, on the teats, and between the hooves are symptoms of FMD. While the majority of animals affected recover, the disease also leaves them frail and debilitated.


Causes / Symptoms :  Crankiness, loss of appetite, fever, sore throat, blisters in the mouth and on feet, drop in milk production, weight loss, 

quivering lips and frothing of mouth, cows may develop blisters on teats, lameness.

Animal Disease Test :   


Treatment :  FMD does not have a clear medication. Antibiotics, flunixin meglumine, and mild disinfectants are the mainstays of traditional treatment for infected animals. Manure and dead carcasses should be disposed of properly. Vaccines should be administered in the correct dosage and path. Dead animals must be properly disposed of.


5. Rabies

The rabies due to rabies virus is usually spread by bites. When a person starts to show signs and symptoms of rabies, the disease almost always kills them. It is commonly affects in any mammal, including humans, dogs, cats, livestock and wildlife. It is a rhabdovirus, stomatitis which means it's an RNA virus.


Causes / Symptoms :  Fearfulness, acute neurologic period, death, fear of water or hydrophobia, due to difficult swallowing, aggression, paralysis, seizure, excessive drooling.

Animal Disease Test :   


Treatment :  Rabies vaccinations and animal control services, as well as improved care for those who have been bitten, are all needed. Anti-rabies vaccination should be injected before the symptoms appeared. For an individual, any wounds or bruises should be washed in soapy water, povidone iodine or detergent for 15 minutes. This could help to reduce the number of viral particles. A dog infected with rabies has no treatment options. If rabies is suspected, the dog will be quarantined and stopped from escaping or harming others. Since, a dog shedding the rabbies virus in its saliva will develop clinical symptoms within days, the dog will be quarantined for ten days. After 10 days, a dog that is normal or healthy is no longer considered infectious at the time of the bite. The central, state or provincial animal disease regulatory authorities are mandated by law  to be notified by your veterinarian. These authorities will decide the measures that must be taken to ensure that the public is adequately protected.

Helpful Links:


www.mayoclinic.org / www.bmcvetres.biomedcentral.com / www.oie.int  / www.oie.int / www.webmd.com / https://vcahospitals.com /